We wanted to add a VxRail VI WLD because we had four VxRail Nodes in our demo environment that had become free. This time we wanted it do it the “new way” which is possible since Version 5.2 – using the SDDC Manager UI instead of the WFO script. During the addition of the VI …
VCF 5.2.1 – SDDC Manager update is stuck
If you are updating the SDDC Manager from 5.2 to 5.2.1 in a strictly firewall secured environment where only a few, officially vendor documented URLs are allowed for outgoing traffic then you can possibly run into the same issue as we did. During the SDDC Manager update the process is stuck in the step “Refresh …
VCF 5.2 – initial WLDM deployment fails when enabling Cluster EVC mode
If you want to deploy a new VCF 5.2 Management Workload Domain using the Cloud Builder Appliance and want to activate the EVC mode during the deployment (what IMO you should always do except in the lab), it will unfortunately fail in the step “Enable Cluster EVC Mode”. Inexplicably, the deployment activates EVC mode after …
VCF Bundle Management PowerShell Script
If you ever have some disk space issues on the SDDC Manager or just want to clean up all the old, downloaded update/upgrade bundles which you don’t need anymore, there is a nice PowerShell script from VMware which I want to show you in this post. The script is called VcfBundleManagement.ps1. It is explained in …
VCF 5.2 – big launch day
After a few months of winter darkness, rain, even storm (over here in Germany) and mostly negative publicity because of the Broadcom acquisition of VMware we can finally see the light at the end of the (SDDC) tunnel. The summer is back and so is VMware – back with a big and shiny monster release! …
Enable vLCM in VxRail Cluster
The vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) will not only be the “default” Lifecycle Manager for VCF, but will also be increasingly integrated into VxRail environments and work hand in hand with the VxRail LCM. As of VxRail 8.0.210, vLCM supports additional functions that can shorten the update process: In this post I want to demonstrate how …
Product Presentation – Dell VxRail VD-4000
Dell VxRail VD-4000 – the compact VxRail at a glance: We presented the compact HCI platform for ROBO and edge use cases for the first time at our SVA Forum: Dell Technologies in 2023 in the presentation “What’s new in VxRail?”:https://www.sva.de/de/sva-forum-dell-technologies-2023 Meanwhile, the VD-4000 is the newest member of the family in our Dell demo …
vExpert 2024
I am humbled and honored to have been named a vExpert again for 2024! Congratulations to all the other vExperts and to Corey Romero for taking excellent care of this unique program in these difficult times! #vexpert #vcommunity
VCF VI Workload Domain with NFS and a Static IP-Pool for Host TEP network
If you ever need a new VI Workload Domain in VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) Version 5.1 using NFS as principal storage and you don’t have a DHCP serverfor the Host TEP network of your Transport Nodes (or don’t want to use one) you have to get a little creative. Unfortunately, you cannot use one of …
VxRail VD-4000
Welcome to the SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH family – little #VxRail VD-4000! We are delighted that you are finally here. Exciting new opportunities await us and even more our customers in the near future…#sneakpeek #hci #delltechnologies #poweredge #vmware #vsan #edge #robo #datacenter #sddc