HCI Security vSAN vSphere VxRail

VxRail Upgrade Guide

After I have written the VxRail Update Guide I wanted to write about major version upgrades as well since there are still some companies out there running VxRail Version 4.7.xxx (which is by now End of General Support). Usually upgrades between major versions are a little bit more complex than updates within the same major …

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HCI VxRail

Bye bye SRS/SCG!?

As of version 7.0.350, you no longer need a Secure Remote Service (SRS) or a Secure Connect Gateway Appliance (CG) to set up the Call Home functionality for your VxRail cluster. It is now possible to set it up directly via the VxRail Manager:https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/de-de/000196945/dell-vxrail-next-generation-connectivity-with-vxrail-7-0-350-and-later?lang=en There are a two things to consider when planning the upgrade …

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HCI Tools vSphere VxRail

Debug VxRail vCenter script

Another month, another tool. Many people probably don’t know it but there is a Dell script which you can use to check the vCenter Server (internally or externally) which manages the VxRail Cluster. It is especially helpful in case of troubleshooting or right before doing an VxRail update or upgrade because it gathers information about …

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HCI Tools vSAN vSphere VxRail

vSphere Diagnostic Tool (vdt)

The occasion was anything but desirable but this week I had the pleasure to work with a very skilled VMware Support guy to fix a broken vCenter ELM replication at a customer’s site. In this session I really learned a lot. But what stood out the most was this pretty new VMware Fling: https://flings.vmware.com/vsphere-diagnostic-tool vSphere …

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HCI Security vSAN vSphere VxRail

VxRail update guide

Last week a customer asked me to write a guide he can use to update his VxRail clusters on his own in the future. Because I think this guide could also be useful for others out there I decided to share a more or less generalized version on my blog. // important notes This guide …

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vSAN cluster shutdown & startup

Since the vSphere/vSAN version 7 Update 3 has been withdrawn and is about to be re-released shortly (but hopefully not installed in production very soon!), I had to use the “traditional” way to manually shutdown and startup two vSAN clusters of a customer due to power maintenance using the VMware procedure: Manually Shut Down and …

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HCI NSX Tools vSAN vSphere VxRail

As Built Report

I am a really big fan of the As Built Report and have often used the default vSphere module in my projects especially when the customer has not ordered (resp. paid) an installation documentation. That’s why I wanted to write about it. Some time ago I had seen that the VxRail module has been released. …

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HCI Tools VxRail

VxRail node image management (NIM) tool

In my first article on this site I want to show you how easy it is to reimage Dell VxRail Nodes nowadays. I assume you already have heard about VxRail. Everybody in the data center industry should know by now 😉 If you are more familiar with VxRail you surely have heard about the RASR …

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